Phone (02) 4964 9406
Mobile 0405 758 535
Address 10 Kilcoy Drive, Tomago NSW 2322
Below are some general questions we get asked regularly by our customers. If the question relates to a specific course, take a look under the appropriate course heading to see if we have an answer for you. If you do not find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You have 60 days to complete your application at an Australia Post outlet. Your assessor will provide you with the required paperwork.
No. You must attend and submit your licence application yourself at the Post Office.
If your high risk work licence has expired within the last twelve months, you can renew it without attending a training course. If your licence expired more than 12 months ago, then 'yes' you must attend training and be re-assessed.
You will need to provide 100 points of evidence. The combination of evidence of identity must contain your date of birth, current residential address (NSW), photograph and signature. A typical combination may include a Passport (70 points), current Australian driver's licence or current high risk work licence (40 points each), Medicare card, utility bill or bank card / statement (all 25 points each). Other forms of identification may be acceptable.
You will need to undertake a practical assessment as well as a theory and math assessment. Both the theory and math assessments will be closed-book assessments. You must pass all elements and sections of the assessment.
You will need to be reassessed only on the sections you were deemed 'Not Yet Competent.' The reassessment must take place at least 48 hours and not more than 90 days after the original assessment.
You must have a USI to enroll on any Nationally Accredited Course. If you don't have one or can't remember your code, visit to create or find your USI.
All Class Training sends out pre-course study material for you to complete before attending the course. This will provide background information as well as giving examples of the types of questions you will need to complete in your assessment.